• Collaborating for Conservation in 2019

    Happy Holidays and thank you for all you do to create a healthier blue planet! It has been a year of significant progress and exciting opportunities to collaborate with partner organizations in our growing global network, to individually and collectively take action for a better future. Together we are making an impact! Thank you, too, […]

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  • Conservation Policy Engagement Webinars for Zoos and Aquariums

    Save the Date! First Friday Brown Bag Webinar Series on Conservation Policy Engagement  WHEN: December 7, 2018 – Reviewing the midterm election and the end of a Congress January 11, 2019 – Previewing the new Congress and its influence points (*this webinar is scheduled for second Friday due to proximity to holidays) Save the following […]

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  • Opinion: Lessons learned from vaquita conservation efforts

    Photo: Paula Olson for NOAA https://flic.kr/p/zerNcQ Post by David Bader, Aquarium of the Pacific A tiny porpoise is struggling for its survival in Mexico. Gillnets set for shrimp and fish have reduced the population to less than 30 animals. However, la vaquita marina, Phocoena sinus, is not extinct. The species holds on in the Upper Gulf […]

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  • Columbus Zoo and Aquarium and Calgary Zoo team up to host an international zoo and aquarium Plastic Free July EcoChallenge

    Guest blog written by Krystina Jarvis (Columbus Zoo & Aquarium) and Deanna Snell (Calgary Zoo) Plastic has become so ubiquitous in our everyday lives that we often times don’t even notice it.  It can seem impossible to live without it, but it wasn’t that long ago we did exactly that.  Plastic production grew in the […]

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  • World Oceans Day 2018 was the biggest, most impactful yet!

    Thanks to the participation of hundreds of organizations, including aquariums and zoos, private businesses and public agencies, schools and youth groups, and many more, World Oceans Day 2018 became the biggest and most impactful yet! Millions of people celebrated and took action in 140 countries at over 1,500 events. Read more in the newly released 2018 Annual Report.

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  • Sea Youth Rise Up 2018

    At a time where the world is faced with herculean challenges, it is imperative that we engage the passion, idealism, and energy found within the youth of today. Among the many World Oceans Day 2018 initiatives to mobilize this valuable source of new energy is the Sea Youth Rise Up Campaign – first launched for World […]

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  • Happy World Oceans Day!

    Feliz Día Mundial de los Océanos! يوم عالمي سعيد للمحيطات Bonne Journée Mondiale de l’Océan! 世界海洋日快樂 Fröhlichen Tag des Meeres! Счастливый Всемирный день океанов! শুভবিশ্বমহাসাগরদিবস! Felice Giornata Mondiale degli Oceani! ハッピー世界海洋デー Vrolijk Wereld Oceanen Dag! ਧੰਨਵਿਸ਼ਵਸਮੁੰਦਰਦਿਵਸ! Feliz Dia Mundial dos Oceanos! हैप्पीविश्वमहासागरदिवसकेअवसर! Chúc mừng Ngày Đại dương Thế giới 행복한세계해양의날 สุขสันต์วันทะเลโลก روز جهانی اقیانوسها مبارک […]

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  • South Carolina Aquarium Breaking Down Plastic: A Call to Action to Address Plastic Pollution

    Guest Blog by Al George, Director of Conservation, South Carolina Aquarium [Note from Editor: With it being World Oceans Day week, with the focus on plastic pollution prevention and encouraging solutions for a healthy ocean, this guest blog by Al George at the South Carolina Aquarium seemed rather apropos.] The story of the rise of […]

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  • Youth for the Ocean Launches!

    This month we officially launch the Youth for the Ocean initiative to collaboratively accelerate youth engagement and develop youth leaders for a healthy ocean. We’re excited to partner with you! Our youth initiative will complement and enhance related efforts at The Ocean Project to advance ocean conservation in partnership with zoos, aquariums, museums (ZAMs), youth, and many others worldwide. […]

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  • Meet Our New Director of Youth Initiatives, Rachael Coccia!

    The Ocean Project to happy to announce the hiring of our newest team member, Rachael Coccia. As the Director of Youth Initiatives, Rachael will coordinate the Youth Advisory Council for World Oceans Day and introduce year-round opportunities for youth engagement. This includes collaborating with key partners to develop the Youth for the Ocean (Y4O) initiative. […]

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In association with The Ocean Foundation. Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 71-0863908