World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council
The Ocean Project launched global coordination of World Ocean Day in 2002 as a way to raise the profile of the importance of the ocean for everyone on our blue planet and how we can all help no matter where we live. In 2016 we created a Youth Advisory Council to help us grow this unique opportunity to rally the world for action.
The World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council members and alumni network now total approximately 130 youth from 60 countries. They are instrumental in shaping World Ocean Day, growing its reach and impact in June and advocating for ocean and climate conservation throughout the year. Council members gain valuable experience and make life-long connections with other leaders. From developing youth-led projects to actively participating in conferences around the world, Council members put their skills, talents, and networking abilities to use - inspiring both youth to get actively involved and adults to make the right decisions.
The current Council includes 25 young people representing 24 countries. Learn more here.
In late June each year we send out a Call for Applications to join the Council. Subscribe to our youth newsletter to receive updates, events and opportunities the first week of each month.