• Philadelphia Zoo’s new video shows how to have “big time” success with 30×30

    In this 3-minute video blog, the staff from the Philadelphia Zoo provide an exciting example of how zoos, aquariums and museums are successfully incorporating 30×30 messaging into their outreach. It’s an excellent example of how a conservation ask can be easily and effectively brought into any type of exhibit in a way that visitors appreciate […]

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  • The Climate Crisis, COP26, and the Zoo, Aquarium and Museum Community

    The First Friday Webinar for November featured a timely talk as COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow continues. The discussion included the intersection between the climate, biodiversity and the pandemic and the importance of nature conservation, as well as what the zoo, aquarium and museum community can do to help. Also included was […]

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  • World Ocean Day 2021 Annual Report recently released

    World Ocean Day unites and rallies the world to protect and restore our blue planet. With thanks to all organizations from all sectors that got involved, our Supporting Partners, and the Youth Advisory Council, this year’s activities engaged thousands of organizations and millions of people both online and onsite in 140 countries! The annual Conservation Action Focus spread the […]

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  • Engaging on policy issues: Good for your organization, and good for conservation

    Many zoos, aquariums, and museums have been actively engaged for many years on educating and informing their elected officials. Many more could be, and The Ocean Project encourages all to do so, to help advance your conservation mission. As a reminder, the public opinion research as well as the application of that research in pilot […]

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  • Healthy fish and sustainable fisheries

    Science-based fisheries for healthy, productive, and resilient marine ecosystems, now and for future generations

    “All management should be for the generation coming, not for the generation that’s here today. If all you can think about is your own next year’s payments instead of what your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will have, then your grandchildren will have nothing to worry about: There won’t be anything left.” — Clem Tillion, pioneering leader […]

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  • World Ocean Day 2021

    Protecting 30% of our blue planet for a healthy ocean and climate World Ocean Day belongs to all groups, collectively everywhere.  We look forward to collaborating with you in 2021, and beyond, to help create a healthy ocean, a healthy climate, and a better future – together! World Ocean Day helps unite the world to […]

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  • Protecting 30% of our blue planet by 2030

    Efforts by aquariums, zoos, museums and others to help ocean animals like this sea turtle just got a big boost with today’s announcement of a new national goal to protect at least 30% of U.S. lands and ocean by 2030! The Ocean Project applauds President Biden’s action today to establish a national goal of protecting […]

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  • Another Awareness Day? Why they are worth all of that energy!

    By Amy Niedbalski Director, Conservation Audience Research and Evaluation (CARE) Saint Louis Zoo Like many organizations, the Saint Louis Zoo hosts approximately 20 to 30 “awareness days” annually (albeit, virtually in 2020). Some of these include, International Vulture Awareness Day, Pollinator Awareness Week, International Tiger Day, World Tomistoma Day, and of course, World Oceans Day! […]

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  • New Report: Looking Back while Planning Ahead

    Hot off the press: Looking Back while Planning Ahead – A summary of efforts and opportunities to engage the public and advance conservation As we enter a time of expanded collaboration for a more equitable and sustainable society and a healthier blue planet, The Ocean Project team wanted to summarize the successes and lessons learned […]

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  • Global Action for Our Ocean!

    The worldwide movement for a sustainable society and a healthy blue planet continued to grow for World Oceans Day 2020 in spite of the global pandemic. Thanks to the involvement of diverse partners, sponsors, youth, and other leaders, this year we helped to activate, connect, and demonstrate global action for our shared ocean with a […]

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In association with The Ocean Foundation. Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 71-0863908