• Collaborating for conservation: looking towards 2016

    Thank you to our partner organizations for your leadership in advancing conservation. Collectively, the zoo, aquarium, and museum community has been making great strides and we will continue to support you and the community to increase your impact for conservation in 2016 and beyond. Together, we are making a difference! We’d like to extend a […]

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  • ISG+ Update: Will Philadelphia Zoo guests save energy to save “Nemo”?

    This guest post by Wei Ying Wong of Philadelphia Zoo is the second in a 3-part series on Philadelphia Zoo’s Innovative Solutions Grants+ project. They’re exploring a new way of evaluating long-term conservation behavior change, specifically home energy use, in visitors to the zoo’s KidZooU exhibit.   Hi!  Welcome to our coral reef exhibit. Are there […]

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  • Visitor engagement opportunity: COP21 and being part of the solution

    With extensive news coverage of climate change talks underway at COP21 in Paris, and two-thirds of Americans wanting the US to take action, now is an especially good time to engage visitors at zoos, aquariums, and other trusted visitor-serving organizations. But what is the best way? Our research indicates that visitors probably don’t want aquariums and zoos to attempt to explain the ins […]

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  • Zoos and aquariums: Highlighting your mission is good for business

    More evidence from our friends at IMPACTS that doing well by your mission helps you do well at the gate. As those who know me may have heard me say one too many times already, but here it is once more: visitors expect, trust and appreciate when aquariums, zoos, museums and other visitor serving organizations […]

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  • 10 ways your zoo or aquarium can reduce plastic use

    There is growing public awareness about the troubling accumulation of plastics in the environment, particularly in the oceans. Luckily, we are in a unique position to turn the tides on plastic use and disposal. Association of Zoos and Aquariums accredited institutions are trusted conservation organizations with millions of visitors annually. We can lead by example […]

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  • Visitor engagement opportunity: new CA microbead ban

    Great news in ocean conservation: Today the Governor of California signed the toughest bill to date banning microbeads. Our research suggests that news events like this one offer an important, albeit often fleeting opportunity, to connect with guests on ocean issues. We encourage you, especially staff at zoos and aquariums, to take advantage of it! Why talk […]

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  • Congrats! New Innovative Solutions Grants+ awardees announced

    For over 18 years, The Ocean Project has been advancing conservation in partnership with zoos, aquariums, museums, and other visitor-serving organizations around the country and the world. We’ve provided strategic resources and tools to help our network of partners effectively engage visitors, both onsite and online so that together we can solve issues in our backyards […]

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  • Seas the Day in August – Be Water Wise

    “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not ever man’s greed.” –Gandhi   “Water, water every where And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, every where, nor any drop to drink.”  -Coleridge  “Seas” the month of August by thinking about your water consumption. Our blue planet is covered in water, but most […]

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  • ISG+ Update: Teens at Riverbanks Zoo and Garden get their hands dirty

    This guest post, by Director of Education Elizabeth Clemens and Coordinator of ZooTeens and Scout Programs Syndi Castelluccio, from Riverbanks Zoo and Garden is the second in a 3-part series on their Innovative Solutions Grants+ project, which investigates how engaging with teens and receiving incentives can impact zoo guest behavior. The Adventure Continues As reported in […]

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  • ISG+ Update: Seattle youth CAN engage their peers on transportation

    This guest post by Eli Weiss of Woodland Park Zoo is the second in a 3-part series on their Innovative Solutions Grants+ project, exploring how teens in the Seattle area can empower each other and their peers for action on climate change. Woodland Park Zoo, along with our partners the Seattle Aquarium and Pacific Science […]

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In association with The Ocean Foundation. Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 71-0863908