
The Conservation Calendar in 2021

In our first webinar of the new year we were honored to have not one, but two special guests covering the shifts in the political ‘seascape,’ as well as the discussions and decisions that are expected to impact ocean conservation in 2021. 

Check out the webinar recording! In it, Sarah Guy, Director of Strategy and Outreach at the Ocean Defense Initiativepreviews the situation in the United States, while Justin Kenney, Senior Advisor for Ocean and Climate at the United Nations Foundation, focuses on the international level. And don’t miss the Q&A, which includes each of them addressing how the aquarium, zoo, and museum community can help advance ocean conservation by engaging the public and informing policymakersAfter an incredibly difficult 2020, with especially tough times for aquariums, zoos, and museums, the hopeful tone of this webinar was especially welcome.

The next “First Friday” webinar will be at 1pm ET on February 5, with an eagerly anticipated discussion of a promising new framework for conservation engagement that has been developed, and was recently put to the test, by our friends at San Diego Zoo Global. Hope you can make it! Click here to subscribe to the webinar series and get 2 monthly notifications. 

The webinar series is part of an initiative funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The focus for this initiative is US-based visitor-serving institutions but the lessons learned are being applied in other situations and in other countries.  To view previous webinars, click here. If you have suggestions for upcoming webinars, please let us know!