What Happened at the Policy Engagement and Advocacy Workshop at the AZA Conference Shouldn’t Stay in New Orleans
In September at the AZA Annual Conference, The Ocean Project hosted a policy engagement and advocacy boot camp for two dozen registrants with a variety of professional responsibilities at their institutions. The participants represented a diverse range of aquariums and zoos (small, medium and large; non-profit, municipal and for profit; coastal and inland), few had […]
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Protect our Ocean by Conserving Forage Fish Populations
Whether it’s TV, movies, or the evening news, the impression too often left with the American people is gridlock in Congress is the only thing that ever happens. But the truth is that many important and more narrowly targeted bills are considered and passed while fights on larger issues consume the oxygen and attention of […]
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Time to Get Busy
If you’ve been tuning into our Make Conservation Happen webinar series that launched in April 2018, you’ve learned about the nuts and bolts of how you and your institution can take action and influence conservation public policy issues, as well as about many of the issues and opportunities to get more involved in effecting change. […]
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Conservation Just Happened!
Even though inside the beltway politics are broken and dysfunctional it is still possible for a significant piece of legislation to receive strong bipartisan and bicameral support. Imagine that? Legislators, legislating. In February, the Senate and House passed S. 47, The National Resources Management Act, which was the product of negotiations that the previous Congress […]
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Get to Know Your Conservation Impact
Earlier this month, The Ocean Project hosted a second webinar in the Making Conservation HappenBrown Bag Webinar Series.These Friday webinars are geared specifically to helping aquariums and zoos do more in the policy space and are supported in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The May 4 webinar focused on what resources zoos […]
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People want to help! Using your existing resources to help your visitors do even more for conservation action
Recently, I was spending a couple of days by myself at the Southern Delaware shore that advertises itself as “low and slow,” and this time of year it’s more like low and slower, which makes it a great time to get away. But sometimes when you want to get away, you can’t. One night I […]
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Reaching our Full Potential
As referenced in this blog post, The Ocean Project recently launched “Making Conservation Happen,” a new webinar series aimed at helping aquariums and zoos engage strategically, safely, and effectively in conservation policy. Session 1: April 13 at 1:00pm Eastern/10:00am Pacific Session 2: May 4 at the same time Registration is now open! For more information […]
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Building Mutually Beneficial Relationships with Elected Officials
To help you better understand the public policy space and what role aquariums and zoos can play at the comfort level that works for you, The Ocean Project is launching a “brown bag” Making Conservation Happen webinar series. This new webinar series is geared for aquariums and zoos on how to strategically, safely, and cost-effectively […]
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The Foxes are Guarding the Henhouse: An unprecedented need to protect the policies that protect our environment
At a watch party for President Trump’s inauguration ceremony in January 2017, I had a conversation with a friend who’s a lawyer at one of DC’s biggest law and lobbying firms – I might as well have been talking to a psychic. A large part of his practice involves negotiating with federal agencies to gain […]
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The Trump Administration: The Opportunity for Aquariums and Zoos
The optimist in me always looks for new opportunities that are presented with the changes that come after an election – and that is no different following the election of Donald Trump. Based on comments made before and after the election, I expect a rancorous debate between industry and conservative think tanks, and environmental groups […]
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