• President Trump’s Actions Threaten Protection of America’s Ocean Treasures

    Yesterday President Trump signed an Executive Order allowing commercial fishing in the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument. This Monument, much like our National Parks, was created as a lasting legacy for current and future generations of Americans. This is part of a pattern of eliminating environmental protections while the Nation’s attention is elsewhere. […]

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  • Statement of Solidarity

    (Image thanks to Haley Weaver @haleydrewthis) Black lives matter – we commit to listening, learning, supporting, and action. The Ocean Project will not sit idly by. Racial and social justice is foundational to everything. As we collaborate to protect and restore our shared blue planet and its diversity of life for current and future generations, […]

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  • Effective visitor engagement during the current crisis

    As efforts continue to cope with the current crisis, we have been impressed by some of the innovative ways our aquarium and zoo partners have continued to engage their audiences and advance their efforts.  We recently reached out to many of you and asked what is working well, and the following post contains many of […]

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  • Making it Through This Crisis Together

    Amazing photograph thanks to Dr Cécile Gaspar, te mana o te moana, French Polynesia As part of our community, we wanted to let you know that our hearts and thoughts are with you as we all deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in different ways. We also want to acknowledge and thank all of the front line responders, clinicians, […]

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  • Forward for our blue planet in 2020!

    Thanks to all our partners for doing so much to help with bringing about a better future! In so many ways in 2019, youth, zoos and aquariums, progressive-minded businesses and corporations, and others in our growing global network continued to step up their efforts for conservation action. The Ocean Project is all about collaborative conservation, and our lean […]

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  • Studying Belugas at Mystic Aquarium Will Help Stem Extinction of Whales and Dolphins

    Guest blog by Dr. Stephen M. Coan, Ph.D., President and CEO, Mystic Aquarium Several species of whales are disappearing from earth at an alarming rate.  It is estimated that only 300 to 1,000 northern right whales remain.  Southern right, humpback, bowhead, and blue whales all number less than 10,000 for each species.  We have an ethical obligation […]

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  • Calling Youth Worldwide to join the World Oceans Day Youth Advisory Council

    Apply to join the World Oceans Day Youth Advisory Council! The World Oceans Day Youth Advisory Council (Council) was created in 2016 to help develop World Oceans Day into a unique way to connect and unite youth around the world for a better future with a healthier ocean that sustains us all, no matter where we live. To […]

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  • Youth at the South Carolina Aquarium prepare for World Oceans Day 2019

    World Oceans Day is a day dedicated toward reminding individuals why our oceans are so important. We want to educate others on ways to help prevent pollution such as plastic waste. For this day, the South Carolina Aquarium is taking part in a project to create bird feeders out of recycled products. We are collecting […]

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  • Our Precious Ocean Needs Our Protection

    By Amy Kenney, National Ocean Protection Coalition Our relationship with the ocean is powerful and personal. We relish the feeling of sand between our toes, the sound of the waves, the smell of salt air, and the taste of fresh caught seafood. It is irreplaceable and awe-inspiring. Every one of us has the right to […]

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  • When GOOD NEWS changes your plans – encouraging support for Marine Protected Areas in South Africa

    Editorial note: In 2017 The Ocean Project launched a new initiative to support zoos, aquariums, and museums (ZAMs) in getting more involved to effectively inform science-based fisheries policy and advance action for healthy, sustainable marine ecosystems. The focus is U.S.-based visitor-serving institutions but some of the lessons learned can be — and already have been — applied to […]

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In association with The Ocean Foundation. Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 71-0863908