• Thanks to our 1,500th Partner!

    The Ocean Project is celebrating our 1,500th partner organization! We welcome the University of Uyo in Nigeria to our global network of partners working to advance ocean conservation.The Ocean Project has welcomed 10 partners to the network in the past week–is yours one of them? Join us now!

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  • Be part of the sustainable, ethical Easter tradition!

    Whether you’re a person of faith or not, you’ve probably noticed all the usual trappings of Easter are upon us! The springtime celebrations this weekend of Easter and Passover are a great time to be a loving steward of the Earth. Many denominations are looking to their scriptureand incorporatingenvironmental values into their worship.  In fact, […]

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  • 7 miles deep

    Congratulations to James Cameron and the DeepSea Challenge team! On March 26th, Cameron achieved something historic when he went to the deepest point on our ocean planet, Mariana Trench’s Challenger Deep, about seven miles (11 kilometers) below the ocean surface. It is located approximately 200 miles (322 kilometers) southwest of Guam in the Pacific Ocean […]

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  • Are young people less “green”?

    A recent study has set the US environmental community all abuzz in the past week, revealing that compared Baby Boomers and Generation X’ers, Millennials are less green and less inclined to do anything for the environment. The study has impressive scale (two sets of data total more than 9 million respondents) and longitude (almost 40 […]

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  • How can we take action on ocean acidification?

    With the rate of ocean acidification accelerating rapidly, we need to take action, individually, at the community level, and as a society. Resource managers and policymakers can help, but they need to hear from us. Without the political will, it’s hard to make change on the scale needed. Fortunately, we have an opportunity to get […]

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  • Ocean Acidification: Osteoporosis of the ocean?

    Ocean acidification has been studied by scientists for years with growing alarm, but the extent of the problem was not fully known. A study just out this month makes it quite clear: marine scientists warn that the rate of ocean acidification occurring is unprecedented in the last 300 million years. Why is the ocean becomingmore […]

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  • Communicating to “the general public”?

    So who is your audience? Is it the “general public”? Is it the ten year old Girl Guide looking to earn her merit badge, or the 78-year old grandfather taking his grandchild to the zoo? Or perhaps you are thinking of speaking to the 38-year old migrant worker who holds down 3 jobs to support […]

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  • Sign on to support essential education programs!

    For nearly a decade, NOAA and EPA education programs have been essential to advancing ocean, climate, and environmental literacy in the United States, a major goal of both the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Report and the National Policy for the Stewardship of the Ocean, Coasts, and Great Lakes. On February 13, 2012, however, President […]

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  • Stepping up to the plate: How “science experts” must provide guidance on conservation

    In the wake of the recent uproar over Peter Gleick’s leak of the Heartland’s documents, trust is re-emerging as a topic of discussion in the climate change debate. Gleick had previously co-authoreda paper on the importance of having the trust of the public and policy makers in achieving a sustainable future: “That trust is earned […]

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  • Human rights: Another criterion for determining “sustainable” seafood?

    Many of us are familiar with the convenient “sustainable seafood” pocket guides that help us make decisions about seafood. The Ocean Project has helped promote Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program since its inception. “Best Choices,” “Good Alternatives,” and species to “Avoid” help those of us keen to make the right choices. The process to […]

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In association with The Ocean Foundation. Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 71-0863908