We hope that no matter what you celebrate, you make the most of it by making choices that are healthy for the Earth, humankind, and bunny-kind.

Eggs, rabbits, springtime… Easter is a time to celebrate fertility and life springing anew. Celebrate this respect for young life by caring for the Earth with a few easy steps:
Dye eggs, not baby animals—and don’t be a basket case
Chicks& rabbits don’t belong in baskets! Dyed chicks and bunnies may seem like a fun novelty, but animals are not disposable and they certainly don’t deserve to be treated as.
Pets are a life-long commitment and should not be purchased on a whim.
- Buy organic, fair-trade, cage-free, and of course locally-grown eggs (you can even find them on your phone).
- It’s easy and fun to make your own Easter egg dye, all-natural, from food around the house! Use your silk scarves or buy dyes that don’t harm the environment.
Recycle and Reuse
Use it up, wear it out, make it do! Using something you already have instead of creating demand by buying new is the most sustainable choice. This is especially important to remember when it comes to holidays and events that happen every year, but are much the same, such as Easter.
- Reuse plastic eggs for hiding, or avoid petroleum altogether by buying compostable plant-based eggs.
- Reuse the same basket, grab a found alternative, or even make your own!
Ditch the Plastic!
- Most plastic eventually ends up in the ocean; the average American’s ‘garbage in the ocean’ footprint is about 600pounds annually, only 1-3% of which is recycled.
- Use less harmful alternatives like shredded paper, fabric, or green yarn work just as well (and you probably have them lying around)! If you already have Easter grass, reuse or recycle it afterwards.
Candy is dandy, if it’s Earth and human friendly!
As we mentioned in our Valentine’sDay blog, the growing and production of chocolate can be harmful to the Earth and the people who help make it. Do your research online and buy candy that is good for everyone.
- Buy local! Or use Ethical Consumer’s guide to ethical Easter eggs, to help make your decision based on what’s more important to you.
- Buy Organic! Sweet Earth Chocolates has an entire Easter Basket pre-assembled for you if you’re busy! Also available: wine and hand-knit bunnies.
- Buy Fair Trade! Unfortunately the iconic Hershey eggs are not fair trade. Check out these alternatives:
Natural Candy Store
Divine Chocolate
Celebrate new life in a new way
Just because it’s a tradition doesn’t mean you have to follow the crowd! Consider celebrating the arrival of spring by becoming a member of The Arbor Day Foundation. Memberships start at only $10—and they’ll send you 10FREE trees to plant! Now that’s cause for celebration.