• Survey Raffle Winners

    Thank you to everyone who responded to our calls for comments and feedback! We appreciate our partners taking the time to help us better support ocean conservation efforts. We will be sharing our findings in the coming weeks. In the meantime, congratulations to our $50 amazon.com gift card winners: Deb Faulkner from Indian Valley Public […]

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  • California: 25 days to rise above plastics!

    California has until August 31st to pass two groundbreaking pieces of legislation: a plastic bag ban, and a phase-out of all foam take-out containers. How can I help? If you’re a resident of California, the most important way you can help is to contact your assembly members and senators directly and tell them to vote […]

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  • Communicating Conservation: Weekly Resources

    The Ocean Project will be posting weekly roundups of the key strategic conservation communication and climate communication resources we’ve been tweeting. Each link will be posted with a short description of what you’ll find—please feel free to ask us any questions! Why climate change doesn’t spark moral outrage, and how it could Grist’s David Roberts […]

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  • Last call for feedback!

    We’ve been sending out emails to our partners regarding The Ocean Project’s annual partner survey. If you haven’t completed yours, there’s still time. Now is the time to tell us what worked, and how we can better support your efforts to effectively communicate conservation. Don’t delay! The survey closes July 16. At the end of […]

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  • Announcing The Ocean Project Small Grants Program

    The third round of The Ocean Project’s Small Grant Program RFP is now open. Grants are available to zoos, aquariums, and museums for demonstration projects that best integrate and test The Ocean Project’s market research findings (available for download here). Successful projects would clearly enhance meaningful participation in conservation action by youth and/or minorities. Apply […]

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  • This Friday is World Oceans Day!

    On June 8th hundreds of communities and organizations around the globe will celebrate World Oceans Day! It’s an opportunity to focus on our shared world ocean, learn more and do more to help protect and conserve the ocean, for now and for future generations. The celebration brewing for 2012 is bigger than ever with family-friendly […]

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  • Could Online Advertising be the Key to Shifting Conservation Attitudes? Data Suggests YES! (Case Study)

    Substantial data indicate the power of an online advertising campaign to significantly elevate awareness and attitudes of ocean-related issues. Could paid advertising be the key to shifting perceptions – and, perhaps even more critically, behaviors – regarding conservation? Our case study suggests, “Yes!” For years, the conservation community has worked to deliver credible, relevant messaging […]

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  • We’ve got Klout!

    Thanks for following The Ocean Project through all of our channels! At the end of 2011, we decided to embark on an enhanced social media outreach initiative suggested by our partners at IMPACTS. We ramped up our engagement and thanks to our fans, things are going well! The Ocean Project Twitter accounthas just become the […]

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  • Hope your Earth Day was excellent!

    Earth Day is a great opportunity to raise awareness and take action for our blue planet. Let’s keep the momentum going through June 8th–World Oceans Day! Check out WorldOceansDay.org for free resources and planning help. Do you have an Earth Day hangover–brought down by the thought of how much more needs to be done? Check […]

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  • Whatever happened to the Gulf oil spill?

    April 10th, 2010 the Deepwater Horizon drilling unit exploded in the Gulf of Mexico—it took the lives of 11 workers that day, and the 4.9 million barrels of crude oil that would eventually seep into the ocean continues to affect millions of lives today. The Ocean Project’s quarterly tracking data showed a spike in interest […]

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© 2021 The Ocean Project - All rights reserved.

In association with The Ocean Foundation. Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 71-0863908