• President Bush Creates new National Marine Monuments

    President Bush created three new marine national monuments in the Pacific Ocean today, spanning 195,280 square miles. The decision to make the designations under the Antiquities Act, coming just two weeks before Bush leaves office, means that he will have protected more square miles of ocean than any person in history. In 2006 Bush created […]

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  • Transcending religious differences for humanity and our shared world ocean

    As The Ocean Project works with our Partners to connect more effectively with the public to build ocean literacy and create a culture of conservation – and especially at this time of the year when some of the world’s religions are celebrating important holidays – it seems appropriate to highlight the activities of an organization […]

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  • Internet Overtakes Newspapers as News Source

    In case you needed more convincing about the upward trend in use of the Internet for accessing information and the importance of having a compelling website, the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press reports today that the Internet has now surpassed all other media except television as a main source for national […]

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  • Science team for Obama Administration strong one for conservation

    The “Science Team” for the Obama Administration is shaping up to be one of the best ever.In a very exciting development for ocean conservation. Dr. Jane Lubchenco will be the new leader of NOAA. She brings impeccable science credentials, policy smarts, and a passion for conservation advocacy. The new science advisor to President Obama will […]

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  • Top science books for children and teens

    Here are some great ideas for science books for children and teens that our Partners can stock in your retail stores, and for the public to purchase as gifts for friends and family. AAAS recently announced 19 finalists in the annual science book awards, which include science books for young children up to young adults.Also, […]

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  • Study IDs six different audiences for developing effective messaging on climate change

    The Ocean Project continues to provide our Partners and other friends with ways to improve education and communication efforts for conservation action.Newly released research on effective messaging to Americans regarding climate change actions finds six discrete audience segments – from strongly engaged to completely dismissive of climate change as a threat – with different concerns, […]

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  • Communicating Climate Change and the Ocean

    Monterey Bay Aquarium is hosting a “Communicating Climate Change and the Oceans Summit” from December 1-3. In prep for this meeting, they’ve posted some very useful information on the Summit’s website. Among other resources, a Summary of U.S. Aquarium Research contains much valuable info about what some of the participating institutions are doing, or planning, […]

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  • Interim Report of National Survey Findings Available

    For those of you who were not able to make our session at the conference of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums in September, we have posted on our website the presentation by Scott Corwon, with IMPACTS Research & Development. Scott is conducting the national research, and his presentation includes our survey findings to date […]

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  • Sushi Lovers Pocket Guide

    Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program, which The Ocean Project has helped promote with our Partners and the public since its inception in 1999, is coming out with a sushi guide on October 22. It will include a list of recommendations to help you select sushi made from seafood that’s caught or raised in ways […]

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  • The Impact of Science & Discovery Centres: A Review of Worldwide Studies

    Ecsite-uk (affiliated with ECSITE, the European Collaborative of Science, Industry and Technology Exhibitions) recently published a review that summarizes and highlights recent research into the impact of science and technology museums, zoos, aquariums, and science centers, referred to in the report as “Science & Discovery Centres.”Collectively, studies from around the world show that these informal […]

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In association with The Ocean Foundation. Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 71-0863908