• Interesting Ideas for a Warmer Planet

    Marketplace reports on the efforts of engineers, scientists and governments to prepare for living with the consequences of global warming. Not too early to start considering Plan B?

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  • Smart Chart 3.0 is Here

    Smart Chart has released a new version of their planning tool that makes it even easier to craft winning communications plans for non-profit organizations.

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  • The Story of Stuff

    Annie Leonard is a friend and colleague whose work is doing for waste what Al Gore has helped do for climate change. She’s made a splash with her latest video, The Story of Stuff.

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  • The Non-Profit Congress is Online

    Check out The Non-Profit Congress Web presence and promote a place where we all can empower individuals and nonprofits to act collectively for positive change.

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  • 60 Seconds to Save the Earth

    The Alliance for Climate Protection and Current TV are proud to announce that the winners of their 60 Seconds to Save the Earth Ecospot Contest. The grand prize winning elephants make pretty great messengers, eh? Forward this on to friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors so they, too, can step into Dave’s streetscape.

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  • Ocean Adventures to Provide Strong Content in 2008

    The Ocean Adventures website promotes and informs us about a great upcoming season of ocean-related viewing.

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  • Chinese International Aquarium Congress Worth Publicizing

    The Ocean Project will place the IAC 2008 logo on the homepage of The Ocean Project website and hyperlink to the IAC 2008 official website between 1 Jan 2008 and 31 Oct 2008. In return, the IAC 2008 site will link back to a TOP logo.

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  • Lovelock Has Earned the Right…

    … to have his perspective considered by us all.

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  • Latest in Home Power Use Management

    Seems like Energy Star guidelines continue to be useful for anyone trying to do the right thing at home with power consumption.

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  • The Nonpoint Pollution Battle Continues

    The Nonpoint Source (NPS) Outreach Toolbox is intended for use by state and local agencies and other organizations interested in educating the public on nonpoint source pollution or stormwater runoff. The Toolbox is a pretty neat little page/site with the lighting up tool box that contains a variety of resources to help develop an effective […]

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In association with The Ocean Foundation. Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 71-0863908