• Leave Zero Representing New Wave of Conscious Consumption

    Leave Zero, a new on-line retail outlet, was inspired by the spirit of people who strive to make the most of every moment; people who ‘give it all’ to better themselves and help others; people who do this while respecting the Earth and future generations and have fun doing it! Leave Zero donates 25% of […]

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  • Mapping North American Environmental Issues

    The Commission for Environmental Cooperation works with key mapping agency partners in Canada, Mexico, and the United States to promote understanding of significant continental-scale environmental issues through the North American Environmental Atlas. Available map layers include renewable energy capacity, priority conservation areas, and other environmental themes. The CEC is also exploring innovative mapping techniques for […]

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  • 2007 U.S. Ocean Policy Report Card Released

    The Joint Ocean Commission Initiative released its third annual U.S. Ocean Policy Report Card on February 27, 2008. The report card assesses the nation’s progress in 2007 toward implementing the recommendations of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy and the Pew Oceans Commission, as well as the actions described in the Administration’s U.S. Ocean Action […]

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  • Public sends mixed signals on energy policy according to new poll

    (03/10/2008) Pew Research Center for the People & the Press At a time of rising energy prices, the public continues to be conflicted in its overall approach toward energy and the environment according to the latest nationwide survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted Feb. 20-24 among 1,508 adults. […]

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  • Ready to Lead?Next Generation Speak Out

    A National Study Produced in Partnership by CompassPoint Nonprofit Services, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Meyer Foundation and Idealist.org suggests that a skilled, committed, and diverse pool of next generation leaders would like to be nonprofit executive directors in the future. However, the new national survey of nearly 6,000 next generation leaders also finds […]

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  • Massive database of species goes online

    From grist.org: That’s Life An online Encyclopedia of Life that aims to eventually describe every living organism on the planet has unveiled its first detailed pages. Read up on the 24 species that have entries complete with text, pictures, and video, or sift through 30,000 others with preliminary information. Those involved with the encyclopedia, which […]

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  • Save Trees By Reducing Junk Mail

    Did you know that the average American adult receives 41 pounds of junk mail per year? All this adds up to more than 100 million trees cut each year, plus 28 billion gallons of water, and enough energy to power 2.8 million cars. Enough already! 41pounds.org makes it easy for you to do your part. […]

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  • Warmer World May Mean Less Fish

    Read how Global Warming adds to pollution and over-harvesting impacts on the world’s key fishing grounds: “In Dead Water” by the UNEP. Or read the summary provided here: MONACO/NAIROBI, 22 February 2008 – Climate change is emerging as the latest threat to the world’s dwindling fish stocks a new report by the UN Environment Programme […]

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  • Hot Global Warming Blog

    By all means, do contribute to the discussion… The topic of Februrary 18th’s DOT Earth Blog by Andy Revkin of the NY Times is “Global heating, Atmosphere Cancer, pollution Death. What’s in a Name?” In this blog, Revkin discusses the different political impacts of how we talk about global warming. This blog is probably one […]

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  • Losing Touch with Nature: A New Study

    Nature recreation worldwide — from camping, hunting and fishing to park visitation — has declined sharply since the 1980s, and the negative consequences for nature and conservation could soon be profound, says this new study sponsored by The Nature Conservancy. The study examines data from the United States, Japan and Spain on everything from backpacking […]

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