• The Heartland Leak–Visualized

    Here’s a visual timeline of the Heartland Institute internal document leak. See our previous blog for more info, but here’s a summary: scientist Peter Gleick used a false name to obtain confidential strategy and budget documents from the Heartland Institute–a conservative ‘think tank’ which works against the idea of human-made climate change.

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  • What “gate?” The Heartland Institute Strategy Documents Leaked

    If you’re someone who is titillated by political intrigue and care about the environment, you may have noticed some exciting headlines lately! A reverse ‘climategate’ has recently taken place—with secret internal documents from The Heartland Institute (a not-for-profit thinktank which promotes an anti-climate change agenda) being made public. If you haven’t heard, here’s a quick […]

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  • Social media and social change

    Recent events have once again reminded us of the power of social media for social change that the Arab Spring so dramatically demonstrated last year. Whether for fundraising or toppling despotic regimes, social media is revolutionizing the ways that we think about information sharing and collective action. What implications does this have for our efforts to […]

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  • Our ocean planet’s future should transcend partisan politics

    Race for the political cure? The social media world in the US was recently abuzz over the decision by Susan G. Komen (SGK) Foundation to stop funding Planned Parenthood. Regardless of their perspective of the work that Planned Parenthood does, most people agree that the search for a cure for cancer shouldn’t be a political […]

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  • Show your love for the planet—have an ethical and sustainable Valentine’s Day!

    Everyone needs a little sugar! But at what cost? Chocolate and bouquets of roses are Valentine’s Day staples and–like many staples in our lives–they become so familiar we often forget to really think about them. Unfortunately, these sweet mementos often have more sinister origins than you would expect. Read on for some tips for having […]

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  • Vision for our National Ocean Policy Part II

    Update as of 2/29/12:  The National Ocean Council is extending the public comment period on the draft National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan through March 28, 2012 (an additional 30 days). This extension will provide stakeholders, users, and the public additional time to review the draft Implementation Plan and provide their input to inform development of […]

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  • 60 seconds or 35 years?

    Super Bowl Sunday is a big deal. Never mind the football teams (sorry, no disrespect to the New England Patriots  and NY Giants), but as everyone knows, it’s an annual opportunity for advertisers to show off their best stuff. This year, a 30-second spot during the Super Bowl costs on average $3.5 million. So in […]

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  • Social marketing: tools for change

    Social marketing – the art of marketing social causes with the tools well-honed in product marketing, i.e. instead of selling a physical product like soap, selling a cause or a change in behavior – has been successfully used by many organizations, and examples abound. For those of us in conservation education and communication, figuring out […]

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  • Achieving the Vision for our National Ocean Policy

    Photo thanks to: Octavio Aburto-Oropeza/Marine Photobank “To achieve an America whose stewardship ensures that the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes are healthy and resilient, safe and productive, and understood and treasured so as to promote the well‐being, prosperity, and security of present and future generations.” That grand vision for our National Ocean Policy […]

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  • Fellowship, anyone?

    There have been a couple of fellowship opportunities that have come across our desk lately and we thought you might be interested to know about: The TogetherGreen Conservation Leadership Program invests in promising and proven leaders who are committed to empowering others and to creating positive environmental change in their communities and organizations. Each TogetherGreen […]

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In association with The Ocean Foundation. Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 71-0863908