Seas the Day in September – Use your skills for good; your talents can help amplify your impact!
“The silence of good people is worse than the actions of bad people”
Speak out for the fish. Sharing your thoughts is a simple, yet effective way to make a big difference for the ocean. Change happens one person at a time, and you can multiply your positive effect on our blue planet by informing and inspiring others in your community. Here are some suggestions of how to turn your skills into amplified action:
Master with Words: Write to your local newspaper editor about an environmental issue you care about and how to make a positive change. This is an effective and often overlooked way to get your voice heard.
Pumped to make a Pitch: Make a phone call your local representative and tell them how important local environmental issues are to you.
Party Planner: Organize a fundraiser for a charity working to address issues you are concerned about. These events are a good way to get conversations started about the issues. Some fundraiser ideas include a concert, athlete competition, or bake sale.
Artistic Activist: Express your concerns through a creative media such as paint, photography, film, or music. Share it with others so that your audience can connect with your art and your message.
Networking Ninja: Associate with positive thinkers like yourself in order to build momentum for a blue-friendly community. Share the Seas the Day action tips with friends. Spread the news through word of mouth or—in today’s networked world—you can communicate environmentally sustainable decisions with the click of a mouse.
Other Suggestions to Amplify your Impact:
Hold a mini-fundraiser for World Oceans Day this year
Start an online petition
Volunteer for an organization or a special event that you care about in your community.