Earlier this month The Ocean Project submitted comments to President Obama and the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force in order to help them develop the most effective national policy to protect and conserve our oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes. The Ocean Project’s letter focused on how it is critical to include a comprehensive federal strategy and plan for ocean and climate literacy in developing a national ocean policy and management and stewardship framework. We strongly urge the Administration to integrate environmental literacy (including ocean and climate literacy) as a critical component and goal of all agencies, departments, and strategies related to ocean stewardship and conservation.Please contact The Ocean Project if you would like to read our comments.
During this important opportunity we urge all Partners and friends in the US to weigh in by submitting your own comments and attending the public hearings if possible. Turning up in person is best but you can also connect via live webcasts or call in to the listen-only pone line. Find out more on how to participate at their website.
In addition, the Task Force has just released an interim report that you can access and comment on here.
The Obama Administration is providing us with a great chance to help shape the future health of our oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes. Please take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity!