Partners and friends: join us and make a difference for the ocean

The Ocean Project’s partner network of around 2,000 organizations has grown from a handful of founding North American aquariums into the world’s most extensive network for advancing ocean education and action. For 16 years we’ve worked to help our partners become as effective as possible at communicating about and for conservation.

One of the most exciting ways we help our partners celebrate is through coordinating World Oceans Day – held every June 8th. Last year, 700 events were held in 70 different countries and, in addition to the tens of thousands of people who attended World Oceans Day events in their communities, millions of people learned about the celebration on social media.OceanPark-HK2

World Oceans Day 2015 can be an even better celebration for the ocean, which is why we’re asking all partner organizations of The Ocean Project to commit to celebrating World Oceans Day this year.



What does celebrating mean?

World Oceans Day can be celebrated in a number of ways, some big, some small. Not all organizations have the resources to organize an event every year and if you can't, you can still celebrate in so many ways! Here are just a few ideas:coco2

  • Mention World Oceans Day in your email newsletter and social media posts
  • Organize fundraising, membership drives, or send out a press release on World Oceans Day
  • Announce something new for World Oceans Day

If you sign up to celebrate, we’ll provide you with guidelines, free content and language to use, images, and more that will make it easier than ever to include World Oceans Day as part of your activities.

Help us reach 70%flanders3

70% of the Earth is ocean, so most of us should celebrate it! We're seeking commitment from 70% of all The Ocean Project partners to celebrating World Oceans Day 2015. By doing so in advance, we can work with you more closely and provide better services to you in the weeks and months ahead. Also, you'll be the first to know about news and resources.

Sign up now

We want to stay in touch and make this celebration great! Fill out this form to commit to celebrating on or around June 8th, 2015. You’ll get periodic resources and news for you to use for World Oceans Day.