“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
- Anne Frank
“If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.”
- Maya Angelou
“Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.”
- Publilius Syrus
Last month we talked about conserving water. It's easy to do on a personal level, but what if you want to spread the news? Getting more people involved with helping the oceans is a great thing! Change may happen slowly, and take some work, but you can help by raising you voice and raising awareness. This is the time to make a change, and you can get others to help by speaking out for the fish.

Picture by Will Keightley
The pen is mighty.
Though you may not be able to beat a sword with a pen in combat, in most other endeavors the pen is the more useful tool. Through writing you can express your view and turn the tides on the thoughts of others. You can write to your local newspaper, magazine, or college publication about environmental issues that are important to you.
Don't forget to write about the positive things you see as well! If there is an organization or person who you believe is making a difference, write them a thank you letter. Positive reinforcement will let them see that people are appreciating what they are doing. And hopefully, what they are doing will catch on!
Use the virtual world to change reality.
The internet is an ocean of information that you spend a lot of time surfing. Why not spend some time on the internet making your words heard? There is no larger audience to talk to. You can easily learn new things, spread knowledge, and start a conversation on the internet. These conversations between people with similar interests can spark group conservation action. Scientists can even use sites like twitter to share their new ideas.

Picture by Kim Piper Werker
Quick Tip: Why not start an ocean blog on a site like blogger or tumblr? You can share what you love and get other people to care as well. There are many reasons to start a blog.
Make Policy Blue.
Calling, writing, or visiting your representative can make a world of a difference for the ocean. They are the ones who craft your nation's interactions with the ocean. You can influence policy in other ways as well. How about starting or signing an online petition?
Cover Photo by Kim Seng, flickr user captainkimo
The Seas the Day initiative encourages and empowers people to take ocean conservation personally. Each month, we feature a new conservation theme with ways to help so come back regularly for more ocean-helping ideas and tips!
Created mainly to support our partner ZAMs (Zoos, Aquariums, and Museums and other visitor-serving organizations involved in our growing network) in motivating conservation action, Seas the Day is for you to tailor for your own purposes. Please use any or all of the content verbatim and re-post on your own blog, social media channels, website, newsletter, etc. We have a large database of action tips and related content for you to use so let us know what’s most helpful and what other action-able types of information and resources we can provide to enhance your conservation efforts.