Seas the Day March – Green Transportation Choices

The Seas the Day initiative encourages and empowers people to take ocean conservation personally. Each month, we feature a new conservation theme with ways to help so come back regularly for more ocean-friendly ideas and tips!Created mainly to support our partner ZAMs (Zoos, Aquariums, and Museums and other visitor-serving organizations involved in our growing network) in their efforts to motivate conservation action with their visitors, Seas the Day is for you to tailor for your own purposes. Please use any of the content verbatim and re-post on your own blog, social media channels, website, newsletter, etc. We have a large database of action tips and related content for you to use. Let us know what’s most helpful and what other types of information and resources we can provide to enhance your efforts to motivate action for the ocean.

Green Transportation Choices

The environment, after all, is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest.  It is one thing that all of us share. It is not only a mirror of ourselves, but a focusing lens on what we can become.

— Lady Bird Johnson

When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.

—    John Muir

One of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions around the world comes from transport. These greenhouse gases can have serious implications for all of the world’s natural environments including the ocean, but these consequences can be mitigated by individual action. This month, think about the ways you can offset your own emissions by commuting and travelling more efficiently. Stretch your legs and become an ocean hero!
Make a Splash. This March 22nd take part in World Water Day and recognize the changes you can make to reduce your own energy use. Our water and energy resources are closely tied together and taking an action on this day (and every day) can help our ocean, too!


Turn the Tide, Change Your Ride. Make conscious decisions to commute more efficiently. Have room in your car on your route to work or school? Accept the challenge of carpooling with coworkers and buddies to reduce your carbon emissions and even help you save money! If you’re going on a road trip,  sites like Ridejoy and CarpoolWorld can help you match up with others in your area that are headed in your same direction. Tips for driving efficiently can also contribute to a greener commute. Taking public transportation, walking and biking are all wonderful ways to use your car less. Did you know that if you were to equate the efficiency of a bike to miles per gallon you could get 984 MPG from your bike?

Act for the Angelfish. If you plan to travel this month, there are many ways you can minimize your impacts on the planet. Thinking of getting away this spring? Consider choosing destinations close to home that might only require a short drive or train ride. If you plan on flying, however, simple tips such as taking non-stop flights or flying with the most fuel-efficient airlines can reduce your carbon footprint. Purchasing carbon offsets through programs such as terrapass can also help balance out your own emissions and support renewable energy development.