Communicating Conservation: Weekly Resources and News

The Ocean Project posts weekly roundups of the key strategic ocean and climate communication resources we’ve been tweeting. Each link will be posted with a short description of what you’ll find—please feel free to ask us any questions and share!

News & Discussion

Check out these timely articles and essays which may be helpful for framing various environmental issues, connecting with specific audiences, or otherwise informing your storytelling and communications.


  • It’s time to make the connection on carbon
    Good news: US oil consumption fell by 1.5% in 2012, and coal use fell by 14%. Even better? A recent poll shows that Republicans and Democrats alike support revised environmental standards “would reduce pollution from cars, trucks and SUVs, would protect public health and would create jobs by encouraging innovation.” It kind of seems like the time is ripe for messaging on carbon emissions!  Bonus: 67% of Americans would rather the government tax carbon pollution rather than cut spending to balance the budget.


  • Turning Left?
    To follow up on those heartening stats, along with the recent finding that 68% of Americans see global warming as a “serious problem,” why are these issues still being framed as partisan?



Some studies, market research, toolkits, and strategies that may be helpful when communicating about conservation and climate change.

  • That picture of One Direction won’t save your climate comms
    Very interesting article from The CarbonBrief breaks down some new research. Scientists found that the type of photo run in newspaper articles on climate change affected how the readers felt about climate change. Images of impacts, like a dry riverbed, made people feel the issue was important but that they were helpless to stop it. Photos of clean energy futures and efficiency measures made readers feel empowered, like they could do something. However, pictures of celebrities and politicians made the readers feel climate change was just silly and unimportant.