With the rate of ocean acidification accelerating rapidly, we need to take action, individually, at the community level, and as a society. Resource managers and policymakers can help, but they need to hear from us. Without the political will, it’s hard to make change on the scale needed.
Fortunately, we have an opportunity to get your legislators to pay attention and help our ocean. Just 10 days ago the US Senate passed the RESTORE Act. In addition to many other ocean-positive policy aspects, RESTORE includes a NationalEndowment for the Oceans (NEO), which will establish an annual fund for ocean conservation that ensures that some revenue from the extraction and use of ocean resources is invested back into better ocean science and programs to conserve our ocean.
But it’s far from a done deal. The House of Representatives needs to pass RESTORE and NEO so that the legislation can be signed into law by the President. Please lend your voice to this important cause by contacting your Repand/or you can work with a variety of our partner organizations to help, including OceanChampions and OceanConservancy. Your quick action today will help future generations yet to come, on land and in the ocean.