Sylvia Earle – also known as “Her Deepness” and featured earlier this year in this blog when she won a coveted TED Prize – has written a book, The World is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean’s Are One, published earlier this year and in which she discusses the huge changes in the world’s ocean she has witnessed over the decades and offers her hopeful thoughts on how we can restore the health of our shared world ocean.In an interview with Yale Environment 360, Earle provides her wise take on the state of our world ocean and what can be done, summarized nicely here: “We get to choose. We either get to choose by conscious action or by default because we are complacent… thinking somebody else will look after this. But nobody else will take care of these issues.”
Read the interview with Sylvia Earle, watch her on Colbert Nation (after the :30 commercial, you’ll get a 5:47 interview by Stephen Colbert with Sylvia Earle) , and then remember to take action to help our world’s ocean: Seas the Day!