January 23-26, 2009
Houston, TexasThe Houston Zoo will host the next bi-annual Zoos and Aquariums Committing to Conservation (ZACC) Conference in January 2009. Those who have attended past conferences can attest to the incredible enthusiasm and opportunities for conservation partnerships that such events have produced, and ZACC 2009 will be no exception. Two years ago the conference had close to 250 registrants representing more than two dozen countries, so expect that the upcoming event will set new records.
Houston, TexasThe Houston Zoo will host the next bi-annual Zoos and Aquariums Committing to Conservation (ZACC) Conference in January 2009. Those who have attended past conferences can attest to the incredible enthusiasm and opportunities for conservation partnerships that such events have produced, and ZACC 2009 will be no exception. Two years ago the conference had close to 250 registrants representing more than two dozen countries, so expect that the upcoming event will set new records.
Each conference presentation is 20 minutes in length, with approximately five minutes allotted for questions and answers afterwards. The conference organizers are looking for presentations that highlight new initiatives and establish opportunities for collaborations between zoos and aquariums, field biologists, governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. The conference promotes the basic premise that each and every one of us has a role to play in the effort to safeguard Earth’s threatened biological diversity.