Rapid Fire Round Up

There is so much good stuff to share this week that we’re doing it rapid-fire! We can continue the conversation in the comments, on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn – heck, you can even email us. It’s been a very interesting week for strategic conservation communicators, so read on for some polls, news, and potential storytelling angles. 

Green Energy Bonanaza

It was a banner week for renewable energy in the news.


  • Life After Oil and Gas
    Elisabeth Rosenthal makes a splash by daring to suggest we might not need fossil fuels after all.



  • Americans believe in climate change risks but won’t pay to fix them – survey
    A recent survey out of the Woods Institute for the Environment and the Center for Ocean Solutions found that Americans showed high acknowledgement of climate risks due to extreme weather, but were unwilling to pay to mitigate those risks. 70% believed climate change would lead to dangerous sea-level rise and more damaging storms – but only 30% – 37% supported taking steps such as building sea walls, trucking in new sand for beaches, and paying coastal residents to move inland.










    Social proof is in the pudding

    Why do we do what we do? You may have noticed people on Facebook changing their profile pictures to a red square with an equal sign – publicly showing their support for marriage equality. Depending on what circles you run in, you may have also noticed jaded people criticizing such an easy, token bit of slacktivism. Will changing your Facebook profile picture do anything for marriage equality?

    This question is actually relevant to environmental behavior change. The above article gives a run down of how impactful norms can be on peoples’ behavior. Environmental messaging often takes the tack of prescriptive norms, telling people what they should do, rather than descriptive norms, telling what people are actually doing. Did you ever go to high school? We’re talking peer pressure for the greater good. This interesting article from Ensia takes a look at how social proof can be expressed through gamefication of environmental behaviors. Game on!