On this Earth Day we remember…

The BP Oil Spill may be only a lingering memory for those of us not directly affected, but for those whose lives and livelihoods were halted and changed forever on that fateful Tuesday, they live with daily reminders of the catastrophe.
Destroyed habitats, lost oyster beds, dead wildlife, and contaminated seafood, leave no question that the capping of the oil well was not the end of the tragedy. Proud Cajuns O’Neil and Samantha Sevin have seen their business come virtually to a standstill, and their way of life made untenable; Rosina Philippe of the Atakapa-Ishak tribe – who have lived and subsisted in the region for centuries – wonders whether the oil spill is the final straw for imperiled cultures in the region; and the list continues. If it was not clear before, the BP Oil spill has certainly made explicit the need to take ocean health seriously.
On this day, let us remember that even though Earth Day was started 22 years ago, we still have a long way to go in protecting the us and our environment. Take a pledge to do your part today.